Projects per year
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Alicia Krikorian Daveloza, Ph.D.
- Pain and Palliative Care - Coordinator of the research group
Person: Researcher
- 2 Finished
Compassionate communities in Colombia, Argentina, and Switzerland. How to assess their effectiveness?
Krikorian Daveloza, A. (Senior researcher), Lopez Herrera, F. E. (Second researcher), Velez Angel, M. C. (Second researcher) & Noguera Morales, T. (Second researcher)
Colombia Universidad Ponti icia Bolivariana, University of Bern
25/01/23 → 25/01/24
Project: Research
Telesalud Mental - Desarrollo de estrategias de atención integral en salud mental de las personas durante y posterior al confinamiento causados por el estado de emergencia en el departamento de Córdoba
Montoya-Arenas, D. A. (Senior researcher), Velez Carvajal, J. D. (Second researcher), Simancas Fernandez, M. R. (Second researcher), Luna Gomez, I. F. (Second researcher), Valencia Duarte, A. V. (Second researcher), Seña Giraldo, K. Y. (Second researcher), Marín_O., B. (Second researcher), Agudelo Jimenez, J. R. (Second researcher), Alvarez Arboleda, L. M. (Second researcher), Isaza Valencia, L. (Second researcher), Valderrama Lopez, M. P. (Second researcher), Villamil Benitez, I. C. (Second researcher), Ruiz Gonzalez, E. P. (Second researcher), Doria Velasquez, K. S. (Second researcher), Muñoz Argel, M. N. (Second researcher), Botelho De Oliveira Conde, S. (Second researcher), Noguera Morales, T. (Second researcher) & Krikorian Daveloza, A. (Second researcher)
4/10/21 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
Research output
Asociación entre apoyo social percibido y deterioro Cognitivo relacionado con el cáncer en adultos atendidos En un centro oncológico de Medellín, 2022-2023. Estudio de Cohorte
García García, H. I. (Director), Hernández Herrera, G. N. (Co-director), Palacio González , C. (Co-director) & Mercado Lara, M. F. (Author master's student), 2024Research output: Other contribution › Training of human resources › peer-review
Compassion and Self-Compassion: Counterfactors of Burnout in Medical Students and Physicians
Román-Calderón, J. P., Krikorian, A., Ruiz, E., Romero, A. M. & Lemos, M., Jun 2024, In: Psychological Reports. 127, 3, p. 1032-1049 18 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article in an indexed scientific journal › peer-review
7 Scopus citations -
Relación entre el sufrimiento y el grado de soledad, la interacción social y la percepción de los síntomas en pacientes con cáncer avanzado en cuidados paliativos
Krikorian Daveloza, A. (Methodological advisor), Palacio González, C. (Scientific advisor), Medina Medina, A. (Author master's student) & Higuita Rendon, A. M. (Co-author master's student), 26 Feb 2024, 26 p.Research output: Other contribution › Training of human resources › peer-review