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Angela Pilar Albarracin Rodriguez, Ph.D.
- Clinical and Health Psychology - Coordinator of the research group
Person: Researcher
Henry Hermel Andrade Caicedo, Ph.D.
- Bioengineering and Microelectronics - Coordinator of the research group
- Cardiovascular Dynamics
Person: Researcher
Carlos Angel Arboleda Mora, Ph.D.
- Theology, Religion and Culture - Coordinator of the research group
Person: Researcher
German Alberto Barragan De Los Rios, Ph.D.
- Aerospace Engineering - Coordinator of the research group
Person: Researcher
Yuli Andrea Botero Caicedo, M.S.
- Pedagogy and Human Development - Coordinator of the research group
Person: Researcher
Hugo Andrei Buitrago Trujillo, Ph.D.
- Urban Communication - Coordinator of the research group
Person: Researcher