Analysis of the wavelet-matched filtering in a four-wave mixing arrangement

A. Salazar, R. Góez, D. Sierra, J. Garzón, F. Pérez, H. Lorduy

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference and proceedingspeer-review


    In image processing, the wavelet transform is useful to enhance the local features of images, so that, the correlation of a target with a reference signal can be improved by wavelet filtering. The wavelet filtering operation and correlation can be photorefractively performed if a crystal is used as a dynamic holographic recording medium. In particular, the sillenite family of photorefractive crystals have a high photosensitivity and high carrier mobility which allow a fast response that makes them attractive for real-time image processing and optical phase conjugation. We analyze a real-time wavelet-matched optical correlator using phase conjugation in a four-wave mixing arrangement. The robustness of the correlator to the noise due the finite crystal depth is improved using a proper wavelet filter.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number90
    Pages (from-to)475-480
    Number of pages6
    JournalProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
    Issue numberPART 1
    StatePublished - 2004
    EventRIAO/OPTILAS 2004: 5th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics, and 8th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and their Applications; ICO Regional Meeting - Porlamar, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
    Duration: 3 Oct 20048 Oct 2004


    • Four-wave mixing
    • Photorefractive
    • Reflection gratings
    • Wavelet filtering


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