Friction and wear in sliding contact of cast iron against phenolic resin composites reinforced with carbonaceous fibers from plantain fiber bundles

Santiago D. Betancourt, Luis J. Cruz, Alejandro B. Toro

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper published in the proceedings of the event without ISBN or ISSNpeer-review


    The tribological behavior of novolac phenolic resin matrix composites reinforced with carbonaceous fibers was studied. The carbonaceous fibers were obtained from Colombian plantain crops residues by slow pyrolysis, through a process that allows retaining many morphological aspects of the natural fibers. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of this kind of carbonaceous fibers as a potential reinforcement or lubricant filler for tribological applications. Novolac phenolic resin with HMTA as curing agent and carbonaceous fibers obtained by slow pyrolysis of leaf sheaths plantain fibers from Urabá-Colombia, were used to obtain a composite material by compression molding process. Composite samples with different fiber volume fractions were tested in sliding contact against cast iron in a pin-on-disc wear testing machine equipped with a load cell for on-line measurement of friction force. At the end of the tests, the worn surfaces and the debris were analyzed in SEM. A decrease in friction coefficient and wear of composites was observed with the increase in fiber volume fraction, which was associated to a beneficial effect of the detachment of carbonaceous material from the worn surface. Under the tested conditions, this material remains at the interface between the composite and the cast iron, and acts as a solid lubricant. On the other hand, surface fatigue was identified as the dominant wear mechanism of the phenolic matrix.

    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    StatePublished - 2010
    Event1st International Brazilian Conference on Tribology, TriboBR-2010 and 2nd International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM, ITS - IFToMM 2010 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Duration: 24 Nov 201026 Nov 2010


    Conference1st International Brazilian Conference on Tribology, TriboBR-2010 and 2nd International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM, ITS - IFToMM 2010
    CityCopacabana, Rio de Janeiro


    • Carbonaceous fibers
    • Cast iron
    • Composites
    • Sliding contact


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