Horizontal innovation: The core of open innovation in the construction of the dynamic capacities in the Colombian industry

Henry Fernandez-Pinto, Carlos Alfonso Mantilla Duarte, Stephanie Prada Villamizar, Jaime Enrique Sarmiento Suarez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle in an indexed scientific journalpeer-review

7 Scopus citations


This research seeks to answer an investigation question, Open innovation exists in the Colombian industry? If that so, which is the core of that open innovation? For that the DANE's annual manufactural survey was taken with the information of 6799 companies of the of the corporate behavior in regards of development, and technological innovation of the Colombian industry. It was evidenced in the industry the existence of the open innovation, composed by the innovative company, that accomplishes to develop dynamic capacities of innovation, reflected in new products on the market, with management and support of the articulators that surround and boost the base of the creative core of innovation, meaning that the State, the university, and other facilitator actors. The study also reveals arguments to affirm that the positioning of Colombia in the first rankings in Latin America is explained by their open innovation of their environment, therefore, working on alliances and shared projects is a trend that has come to be installed in the corporate modernity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100229
JournalJournal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors


  • Dynamic capacities
  • Horizontal innovation
  • Industry
  • Innovation
  • Open innovation
  • Shared knowledge

Types Minciencias

  • Artículos de investigación con calidad A1 / Q1


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