Large scale integration of wind energy in Colombia: Electrical analysis-part I

I. Isaac, J. Gonzalez, J. Areiza, H. Biechl, H. Cardona, G. Lopez

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference and proceedingspeer-review

    2 Scopus citations


    This work is the first part of a study that aims to analyze the technical and economic implications of the penetration of wind power in the Colombian Interconnected system (SIN). Using the software DigSilent™, studies of steady state, contingencies and short-circuit were conducted in order to identify problems of stress, overload, voltage profiles, transmission bottlenecks and the most neuralgic elements for the operation of the proposed wind parks. Additional electrical studies, such as stability, power quality, voltage ride through capability, and the development of some indicators associated with the penetration of wind power in Colombia, will be addressed on a second part of this work.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition
    Subtitle of host publicationLatin America, T and D-LA 2010
    Number of pages8
    StatePublished - 2011
    Event2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, T and D-LA 2010 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Duration: 8 Nov 201010 Nov 2010

    Publication series

    Name2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, T and D-LA 2010


    Conference2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, T and D-LA 2010
    CitySao Paulo


    • Electrical Studies
    • National Interconnected System of Colombia (SIN)
    • Power Systems Planning
    • Wind Energy


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