Perfil de funcionamiento, mediante CIF-2001, en un hombre con déficits neurológicos posteriores a TEC moderado: reporte de caso

Carolina Quintero Sánchez, Juan Camilo Suarez Escudero

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Although traumatic brain injury (TBI) has a lower incidence than stroke, it implies more alterations and costs as the affected population is generally in productive age. Amongst the permanent deficits resulting from TBI are visual deficits and cognitive/behavioral deficits producing disability as they limit activity and participation. However, in most cases, TBI consequences are assessed in a fragmented manner that is limited to the evaluation of physical and non-functional aspects, thus limiting the possibility of rehabilitation. The World Health Organization (WHO) implemented the International Classification of Functioning (ICF-2001) in order to allow a comprehensive assessment in a biopsychoso - cial approach. This article reports the case of a patient with a diffuse compromise of the visual and sensitive/sensory systems after a moderate TBI, and assessment by ICF-2001. The report discusses the benefits and limitations of this approach in a comprehensive rehabilitation program, as well as the TBI magnitude in the presence of skull base and orbital cavity fracture.
Translated title of the contributionFunctioning profile, through ICF-2001, in a man with neurological deficit after moderate traumatic brain injury: a case report
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)56-65
Number of pages10
JournalMedicina U.P.B.
Issue number1
StatePublished - 15 Dec 2014

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