Relationship between safety perception and community participation in victims of the armed conflict in a municipality of the colombian caribbean

Martha Nereida Muñoz Argel, Moises Joel Arcos Guzman, Julian David Velez Carvajal, Paola Andrea Forero Ospina, Melissa Isabel Quintana Fernandez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle in an indexed scientific journalpeer-review


Introduction: Safety perception is an excellent indicator of the institutional capacity to protect the security of citizens (Arcos, Ávila, Vera, & Pérez, 2018). Such a concept is key to understand the context which has been marked by violence (Political Analysis Center, EAFIT University, 2014), and it also has had the ability to undermine welfare and break the social fabric (Taylor, 2011). Objectives: Identifying the relationship between safety perception and community participation with victims of the armed conflict. Methods: A cross-sectional study of correlational scope are presented. This study has been aimed at identifying the relationship between safety perception and community participation with victims of the armed conflict, with a sample of thirty subjects (n = 30) (56.7 % women and 43.3% men), average age of 53.33 (s = 12,263), all inhabitants of a municipality in the Colombian Caribbean. The Survey "Configuration, Territory and Society" has been used for the data collection by selecting the Community Participation scales (ítem p113, p120, p121, p122, p123, p124) (a =.867) and the Safety Perception scale (p117, p118, p119) (a =.920). Results: The main results, there is a positive correlation between the study variables (r = .005; p = .392). Conclusions: The safety perception has an impact on the psychosocial processes such as the community participation itself that is associated with positive social links. Ethical care and respect for human dignity are highlighted through the development of the study, recognizing the social and political importance of victims in the construction of peace.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Psychiatry
StatePublished - 4 Sep 2020

Types Minciencias

  • Artículos de investigación con calidad A1 / Q1

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