Method and device for detecting faults in transmission and distribution systems: Rele

Jorge Wilson Gonzalez Sanchez (Inventor), Jairo Augusto Lopera Perez (Inventor), Hugo Alberto Cardona Restrepo (Inventor), Idi Amin Isaac Millan (Inventor), Gabriel Jaime Lopez Jimenez (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention corresponds to a method and an apparatus for detecting faults in transmission and distribution systems. The method is characterized by the steps of: a) Rectifying the ac current signal of the “auxiliary services” triphasic system; b) Rectifying and inverting the ac current signal of the transmission and distribution system; c) Connecting the step b signal to step a signal; d) Measuring the ac current signal obtained in step b; e) Measuring the dc current signal rectified in step a; f) Scaling the value of the current measured in step e by a scale k factor; g) Calculating the rms value of the signal measured in step d; h) Finding the difference between the values obtained in steps f and g; i) Comparing the absolute value of the step h difference with a reference value m; j) If the comparison made in step i is greater than the reference value m, a trigger signal is generated and the tension is maintained between the dc points of step b in about from 0 to 90%, of the operating tension with no fault. The apparatus comprises, a rectifier; an inverter connected to the rectifier; current measuring means at the rectifier and inverter outlets; and a control unit connected with the rectifier, the inverter and the current measuring means that makes the tripping command of the rectifier and the inverter, and compares the dc current measure at the rectifier outlet with the inverter outlet current, sending a tripping signal according to said comparison.
Translated title of the contributionMétodo y dispositivo para la detección de fallas en sistemas de transmisión y distribución
Original languageEnglish
Patent number20190187201
IPCH02H 3/08,G01R 31/00,H02H 1/00,H02M 1/32,G01R 19/00,H02M 5/45
StateGranted / Patent - 6 Jul 2022

Types Minciencias

  • Productos tecnológicos

Patent Status

  • Granted

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