Study of the Convergence in State Estimators for LTI Systems with Event Detection

Juan C. Posada, Manuel J. Betancur, Jaime A. Moreno, Rubén D. Guerra, Martin A. Tamayo

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle in an indexed scientific journalpeer-review


    The methods frequently used to estimate the state of an LTI system require that the precise value of the output variable is known at all times, or at equidistant sampling times. In LTI systems, in which the output signal is measured through binary sensors (detectors), the traditional way of state observers design is not applicable even though the system has a complete observability matrix. This type of state observers design is known as passive. It is necessary, then, to introduce a new state estimation technique, which allows reckoning the state from the information of the variable's crossing through a detector's action threshold (switch). This paper seeks, therefore, to study the convergence in this type of estimators in finite time, allowing establishing, theoretically, whether some family of the proposed models can be estimated in a convergent way through the use of the estimation technique based on events.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number4281786
    JournalJournal of Control Science and Engineering
    StatePublished - 2016

    Bibliographical note

    Publisher Copyright:
    © 2016 Juan C. Posada et al.


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