Aerodynamic rotor blade

Cesar Nieto Londoño (Inventor), Julian Sierra Perez (Inventor), Juan Guillermo Navarro (Inventor)

Producción científica: Patente


The invention is related to a rotor blade for the generation of electrical power. The rotor blade transforms the kinetic energy of a fluid, into rotational movement of a mechanical shaft. The shape of the rotor blade is characterized in that, along an axis, it is longitudinally bound by a root (a) and a tip (b), which are connected through multiples curved segments, called neutral sectional axes [Eni]. All [Eni] generate a continuous or discontinuous curvature called Primary Neutral Axis [En]. The point corresponding to a leading edge and a trailing edge, configure an airfoil [PAij]. The curvature of the blade (e) has an arch of length L, and is defined by the neutral sectional axes [Eni]. The blade (e) is defined by at least one continuous curved section called primary neutral axis [En] having a length [Ln]. The blade's shape has a variable cross section along the Primary Neutral Axis
Idioma originalInglés
Número de patente# de resolución
CIPF03D 1/06,F03D 1/00
EstadoConcedida / Patente - 15 feb. 2019

Tipos de Productos Minciencias

  • Productos tecnológicos

Estado de Patente

  • Concedida

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