Body-Territory in Energy Transition: Wayúu Women’s Struggle in Colombia

Título traducido de la contribución: Cuerpo-Territorio en la transición energética: la lucha de las mujeres Wayúu en Colombia

Claudia Vélez-Zapata (Co-autor), Jacobo Ramirez (Co-autor), Rajiv Maher (Co-autor)

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoPonencia publicada en las memorias del evento con ISBNrevisión exhaustiva


This article contextualises the implications of green-energy investment on the body-territories of the indigenous Wayúu women of La Guajira, Colombia. We conducted a qualitative study to explore the struggles of Wayúu women to preserve and defend their territories when impacted by large-scale investments through the theoretical frameworks of decolonial feminism and body-territory. The multidimensional problem that underpins wind-energy investment in La Guajira is intertwined with community conflicts caused by disputes over territorial control and lack of respect for indigenous peoples’ epistemologies. This is economic colonialism under the rhetoric of a pressing need to invest in green-energy. Wayúu women are ready to use decolonial feminism to protect their lands from new green-investor colonists in defence of Mother Earth due to their cosmovision of body-territory: bodies suffer when the land suffers. We contextualise a dichotomy between ‘decolonial feminism practices through body-territory cosmovision in defence of Mother Earth’ and ‘territorial control perpetrated by new green-investor colonisers’. Long-term investment and energy transition rhetoric that respects indigenous peoples’ ancestral territories could aid in the development of coherent public policies towards decarbonisation while protecting the rights of indigenous women.
Título traducido de la contribuciónCuerpo-Territorio en la transición energética: la lucha de las mujeres Wayúu en Colombia
Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaAcademy of Management. Proceedings
EditoresSonia Taneja
Lugar de publicación
EditorialAcademy of Management Proceedings
ISBN (versión digital)2151-6561
ISBN (versión impresa)0065-0668
EstadoPublicada - 9 jul. 2024
EventoAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management - Hyatt: Grand Ballroom Foyer, Chicago, Estados Unidos
Duración: 9 ago. 202413 ago. 2024
Número de conferencia: 84


ConferenciaAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Título abreviadoAOM
País/TerritorioEstados Unidos
Dirección de internet

Palabras clave

  • Energy transition
  • Wayúu women
  • Body-Territory
  • Decolonial Feminism

Tipos de Productos Minciencias

  • Eventos científicos con componente de apropiación

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