Influence of catalysts, temperature and gasifying agent on H2 production from palm kernel shell

Erika Arenas Castiblanco, Juan C. Acevedo-Paez, F. R. Posso, C. Imbachi-Gamba

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaPonencia publicada en las memorias del evento sin ISBN o ISSN

8 Descargas (Pure)


This investigation shows the effect of a catalyst based on mordenite (natural and modified) impregnated with Ni, Ca, and K, on the gasification of palm kernel shell (PKS) in a lab-scale fixed bed reactor for hydrogen production. The influence of temperature (700, 800, 900 °C) and gasifying agent (CO2, steam, CO2/steam) on H2 content is also analyzed. It is determined that the modified mordenite impregnated with all metals presents the highest H2 production (72.9 mol%), in contrast to the non-catalyzed (N.C.) gasification with a H2 production of 33.6 mol%. On the other hand, it is concluded that the increase of temperature and the use of steam in the gasification improve the H2 content present in the syngas
Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas2
EstadoPublicada - 18 may. 2022
EventoEuropean Hydrogen Energy Conference - Madrid, Espana
Duración: 18 may. 202220 may. 2022


ConferenciaEuropean Hydrogen Energy Conference
Título abreviadoEHEC 2022

Tipos de Productos Minciencias

  • Eventos científicos con componente de apropiación

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