Institutional Roles in the Development of Fashion Design in Colombia

William Cruz Bermeo

    Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoPonencia publicada en las memorias del evento con ISBNrevisión exhaustiva


    The modernization of Medellin, at the beginning of the Twentieth century, is the starting point for this paper, which derived from a research based on the archives of Inexmoda. Inexmoda, is a Colombian institution for promoting exports, fashion and textile industry. Founded in 1987, the Institution has been working on configuring a Fashion System. This mission involves a pivotal cultural component, where fashion goes beyond mere commodities production to encompasses cultural identity matters in fashion design. There, fashion designers have a crucial role, because capturing the cultural tensions of the moment, the zeitgeists of their own milieu is in the core of their work. All these raise several questions: What makes Medellin the center, the Colombian fashion capital? Is possible to analyze the Colombian cultural tensions on thirty years of fashion runways leading by Inexmoda? What kind of strategies has been implemented by Institution to promotes the development of a fashion production embracing the search for a distinctive signature? How fashion designers have responded to this call?
    Idioma originalEspañol
    Título de la publicación alojadaInstitutional Roles in the Development of Fashion Design in Colombia
    EstadoPublicada - 23 oct. 2018
    Evento10th+1 Conference of the International Committee of Design History and Design Studies - Barcelona, Espana
    Duración: 29 oct. 201831 oct. 2018


    Conferencia10th+1 Conference of the International Committee of Design History and Design Studies
    Título abreviadoICDHS 2018 - Back to the Future / The Future in the Past

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