title = "Ponencia publicada en las memorias del evento con ISSN. Caracterizaci{\'o}n de la funci{\'o}n org{\'a}nica en pacientes con encefalopat{\'i}a hip{\'o}xico isqu{\'e}mica que han recibido terapia con hipotermia",
author = "{Uribe Murillo}, {Andr{\'e}s Felipe} and {Serrano Tabares}, Carolina and {Villegas Alzate}, Juan and Mar{\'i}a Maya and {Maya Naranjo}, Mar{\'i}a and {D'Amato Gutierrez}, M{\'o}nica",
year = "2018",
language = "Espa{\~n}ol (Colombia)",
volume = "03-10965-02/18",
publisher = "Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana",
address = "Colombia",
type = "Other",